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THIS IS ME: My Self-Discovery Story and the Key Lessons

Writer: Melissa DolanMelissa Dolan

Updated: Sep 21, 2020

Hey friends!

It's been a (pretty long) minute since I've introduced myself, and welp, it feels each day holds another evolution at this rate, so here goes!

I was born in Santa Cruz, CA (makes sense surftowns are always where my heart feels home) but I mostly grew up in Pittsburgh (Go Steelers💛🖤). Despite my University trying to keep me in a box (this is what it felt like!), I found my way into my Big Apple dream for a few years as a consultant. I loved it there but relocated to DC to live with my long-distance love, and also adored my time there, it was really the place I began to find myself.

After losing my father at age 22, the truth that ‘life is precious’ had been stamped. He left me with important words, "Are you happy?"

It became impossible to deny the callings within my heart, there was a fire burning within, wanting something different. I had been low-level, consistently stressed and unfulfilled. My body was constantly telling me things were off and finally, there was strong knowing that ‘there was another way to live.’

After these couple of years of ravishing in "soul-searching weekends", off I went to take this journey of following what lights me up, full-time.

I left consulting, reduced a closet of belongings down to a suitcase (I took WAY TOO MANY shoes that first-go), and left life as I knew it.

Off to living in Morocco, Bali, Portugal, and Mallorca, I taught yoga on rooftops overlooking the ocean, ate vegan desserts nightly, slept under the desert stars, trained with some of the most incredible teachers, learned to surf, met so many incredible people - each of them such teachers. I had rebirths, tantric awakenings, accessed my Akashic Records. I loved and said many goodbyes. I broke beyond barriers I didn't know were possible. I met myself. All of her (and I'm sure there's still more of her to meet😜).

A lot makes sense to me on this journey of self-discovery and in reflection, the real magic is inside these key lessons:

- Finding home + sanctuary within my own body

- Conditioned patterning in the mind goes so deep that keeps us from our truth and fortunately, we have many tools to go beyond them

- The power is within us - typically in the taboo things (ie: our sexual energy and femininity) that have been diminished by those interested in keeping our power small

- Choosing to trust, in myself and in the universe, time and time again

- We ARE all multi-dimensional beings and we get to experience magic and euphoria in everyday life.

These lessons have changed my life many times over. But reading them does nothing, it is about embodying them.

It has become my current-life mission to share these teachings and help womxn apply them into their lives - to embody their own truths and let their inner radiance SHINE. Which is why (if you've made it to the part of this post), I hope you'll consider saying YES to this journey for yourself.

I hope you are taking this journey in any way that feels amazing to you. My womxn's program Reclaiming Femme 🌹♥️, is a guided path on this journey back home to you and a perfect space to do such. You will make it your own as you integrate the teachings of the feminine mysteries, enchanting your life into a new reality. Through this journey you are given the teachings, the energetic practices to make them life-lasting, and (maybe my favorite part), you learn what it's like to be celebrated, supported, and held by a true sisterhood. And ladies, pure magic happens when womxn come together.

I invite you to explore what is possible, to invite in bliss and ecstasy for yourself, to expect magic and miracles, to reclaim your power.

If you're here, I'm guessing it's because you also want to live a life beyond the matrix and into the deeper meaning and magic. I invite you to ask yourself the following questions.. as you breathe in and settle into the knowing: "You are the Master of your own reality. You get to write (and re-write) the story at any time."

Try sitting with these questions or journaling upon them to go deeper and give yourself a re-set of trajectory this Autumn Equinox:

Do you have a self-discovery story?

Is it one that you are in awe of as you reflect upon?

Are you in the beginning stages of it, maybe simply beginning with a curiosity wondering "what is all possible for me"?

Are you appreciating its ever-unfolding nature, as the world rapidly changes?

What words would your 'future self' like to share with you at this time?

If you'd like to join us on the Reclaiming Femme journey that will super-charge the depth of your own story, the next experience begins October 18 and the early bird discount only until October 1st, 2020. [Don't miss your chance. There is no guarantee this program will happen again, my Darlings.] Click the link below to explore more + secure your spot.

And if this journey is not for you, no problem at all my love. May we all continue to come together, support each other, and I am just so glad you’re here! I see you and appreciate you. ♥️✨✨ Say hello, anytime!



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